A Classification of infographics and construction strategy of visual explanations from information design theory





infografía, storytelling, Teoría del Diseño de Información, alfabetización visual e informacional, visualización de información


Objectives. This paper proposes, from the theory and practice of information design, a way to classify infographics, as well as to understand the possibilities of visualizing the informative materials that we find in daily life. Methodology. Starting from a dialectical process, the different types of infographics, visual explanations, and the visual literacy involved are analyzed, to propose a typology on the first, and a way of understanding the visual language that acts on the second. Results. A proposal is made for a taxonomy on infographics that is accessible to the design practitioner, as well as a method to select the types of information visualization. Limitations. This is a theoretical study that needs to be expanded, as well as to verify its scope in practice. Originality. This is a proposal from the perspective of information design, supported by visual storytelling, as well as information and visual literacy. Conclusions. The proposal gives clarity to the understanding of the complexity of this topic, which is recognized broadly and with a diversity of nuances, which indicates that it still needs to be explored in greater depth.

Author Biography

Gerardo Luna-Gijón, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Doctor en Educación de las Ciencias, Ingenierías y Tecnologías, es profesor de tiempo completo del Colegio de Diseño Gráfico en la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Al ser especialista en Diseño de Información, ha trabajado en diseño editorial y como consultor de UX. Su interés por la manera en que el diseño ayuda a empoderar otras disciplinas, y particularmente en la comunicación de la ciencia, lo ha llevado a la infografía científica, donde enfatiza el papel de la narrativa como medio para acercar el conocimiento a las personas.


2022-10-01 — Updated on 2023-07-26


How to Cite

Luna-Gijón, G. (2023). A Classification of infographics and construction strategy of visual explanations from information design theory. Zincografia, 6(12). https://doi.org/10.32870/zcr.v6i12.155 (Original work published October 1, 2022)


