La mejora de las trayectorias escolares de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico de la Universidad de Sonora


  • Andrés Abraham Elizalde García
  • Gerardo López Cruz


The present work constitutes a diagnostic approach in its initialphase of six basic aspects of the school trajectory (ST) of the studentsof the Degree in Graphic Design of the University of Sonora,prior to the development of intervention actions. The conceptof ST is an instrument to describe and understand the student'stransit: from admission and graduation, within higher educationinstitutions. However, these results of quantitative research mustbe recontextualized and put at the service of the educational interventionfor the improvement of the TE described. The objectiveis to start from these indicators to raise the set of factors and conditionsthat explain and serve as a direct reference in the schooltrajectory and professional training of students. The analyzeddata are from the 2009 cohorts to date concerning: retention ofthe first to the second year of the race; subjects of greater reprobation,as much of the common institutional axis as of the rest ofthe curriculum; accreditation of the Social Service, ProfessionalPractices and Culture and Sports Activities; late discharge andlate titration. A group of measures is proposed with the collaborativeteaching planning of the program, oriented to the improvementof the TE of the students of the Degree in Graphic Design ofthe University of Sonora.



How to Cite

Elizalde García, A. A., & López Cruz, G. (2018). La mejora de las trayectorias escolares de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico de la Universidad de Sonora. Zincografia, (5). Retrieved from




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